This Telescoping Sliding Door System Maximizes Opening Size and Minimizes Wall Space

April 3, 2024
The XtendSlide provides large, accessible openings while eliminating swing arc trajectories.

The XtendSlide Telescoping Sliding Door System allows door leaves to overlap, maximizing opening width and minimizing the wall space needed for full operation. Ideal for classrooms, exam rooms and other low-traffic areas that may function as flexible spaces, the sliding doors provide large, accessible openings while eliminating swing arc trajectories. They also reduce the door’s horizontal footprint to allow design flexibility.

Choose from two-, three- or four-door configurations, as well as single-direction biparting opening or dual-direction, bypassing opening. Other options include a top-hung, surface-mounted model or an inset with an integral sidelite. For configurations with three or more doors, a floor track is required; for other configurations, the door is available with a concealed door guide. Both options come with ADA compliant hardware to promote long-term accessibility. Soft-close dampening technology limits the speed of the closing door, supporting a long service life and ensuring quiet operation.