LEDs Magazine Renaissance of Light virtual event on slate for Sept. 29–30 (UPDATED)
LEDs Magazine is excited to announce that we will hold a newly conceived LED and solid-state lighting (SSL) virtual event called “Renaissance of light quality: SSL industry swaps focus from efficiency to architecture” over the course of Sept. 29 and 30. The LEDification process that has carried our sectors through the past decade has brought fantastic advances in energy savings through LED and SSL efficacy. Now we believe the industry will embark on a decade where quality matters in every project and our Renaissance event program will launch that journey.
Of course, we all know that there have always been projects where quality and emotion took center stage. But in far too many cases, energy policy has dictated the path forward. Now LEDs have advanced to the point where we do not have to trade off quality. Moreover, the latest LED and OLED sources are simply amazing in terms of the evolution of architecture, integration, and packaging that have taken place even as the pace of epitaxial improvement has waned.
We will kick off the virtual event on Sept. 29, with an inspirational keynote by a top practitioner in light quality. Teal Brogden, principal at HLB Lighting Design, will present “Telling stories with light.” The design process is driven by the stories the designers want to tell, and in the context of how people will use a space, according to Brogden. She will use a portfolio of highly-acclaimed projects undertaken by HLB to explain that inspirational side of how LEDs and SSL are being used.
The program will then wind through three multi-speaker sessions that are intended to both inform the product development process and also educate designers and specifiers involved in projects. The sessions will focus on developments in SSL sources, driving LEDs for quality and minimal flicker including in multi-channel systems, and advanced luminaire development and deployment techniques.
We will further host three one hour sponsored webcasts spread over the two-day program. Osram Opto Semiconductors will examine how quantum dot technology will serve to improve lighting quality. UL will discuss how to develop and/or deploy products based on the new DG 24480 Design Guideline on lighting for health and wellbeing. And Luminus Devices along with Cuvée Systems will continue the lighting for health discussion with a focus on simplifying tunable lighting architectures.
To close the event on Sept. 30, Michael Kershner of Innovative Lighting Consultants will present and lead a panel discussion titled “The lighting industry needs a revolution, before it’s too late.” The Closing Plenary will look at the use of technology to more closely connect the development, specification, design, and deployment tasks, and in doing so will free up industry participants to exercise more creativity.
The Renaissance event will be conducted live even as it is virtual. Attendees will have a chance to ask questions of speakers, interact with sponsors, and more. We have tried to fit the two days of sessions into windows that are convenient in as many time zones as possible. The days will be busy, but the payoff in immersive learning opportunity will, we believe, be worth the time investment many times over.
Also note in a different LED and SSL application area, we will be holding another virtual but live event on Oct. 20–21. Over that two-day period we will present our HortiCann Light + Tech conference. HortiCann had been planned as a live event but the COVID-19 pandemic left us no choice but to move to an online format. The good news is that no travel will be required to attend either of our upcoming events.
*Updated Sept. 9, 2020 1:55 PM for speaker company affiliation correction.
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