On October 15 the City of San Jose released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Programmable Low Energy Street Lights for the City’s Department of Transportation.
As the Capital of Silicon Valley, the City of San José prides itself on its history of innovation and environmental stewardship. For example, last year the City adopted its Green Vision, a bold and comprehensive strategic plan that will cut the city’s carbon footprint by more than half in 15 years. One of the Green Vision’s ten goals states that the City will replace 100% of its streetlights with zero-emission lights by 2022.
The City is interested in installing new streetlights that are very energy efficient, long-lasting, protect the night sky, and are produced with minimal to no hazardous waste. The City also wants to be able to communicate with and control its lights remotely.
The City is seeking bids for a company to provide energy efficient, high output LED street lights (or lights of equivalent energy efficiency) that, among other things, can be dimmed and ideally change color (from white to a near monochromatic yellow), will last at least 50,000 hours, and can be programmed and remotely controlled in a reliable and cost effective manner.
Responses to the RFP are due November 7. To download the proposal documents and participate in the RFP, visit www.bidsync.com.