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Lightfair Daily – Tuesday, May 5

May 5, 2009
Major events today include the LFI Innovation Awards ceremony at 8:30 and the tradeshow opening at 10:00, reports Brian Owen.
LIGHT SPILL: Amidst the crates and construction materials, many interesting exhibits were being erected on the trade floor with exhibitors hurrying to ready their displays as hours count down to trade show floor opening. The pace, and likely many a heartbeat as well, have picked up as opening draws near.

Once again, I took some time during a fact-filled conference day to "explore the floor and see what’s in store" for the over 20,000 pre-registered attendees to the trade show. Preparations will all come to a head on Tuesday morning, when like a post-Christmas Boxing Day store opening, attendees wait in anticipation to file into the 20th annual LIGHTFAIR and explore the close to 500 exhibitors awaiting their arrival.

“Boasting more than 170,000 square feet of exhibit space, the 2009 trade show floor is the largest space in LFI’s history," LIGHTFAIR organizers report, "featuring almost 500 national and international manufacturers showcasing the latest product designs and introductions, technological advances and lighting solutions. Nearly 100 of these exhibitors, new to LFI this year, are from other areas of the world.”


At 8:30 am, hundreds will attend the LFI Innovation Awards, an immediate overview of the latest lighting-related products and designs introduced in the past 12 months. The ceremony honors the industry’s newest product designs and recognizes the best and most innovative companies and products in the lighting industry. Designers and manufactures alike will be crossing their fingers in anticipation of the "opening of the envelope" and the announcements of winners at the "Oscars" of light.

As mentioned above, following the Innovation Awards ceremony, LFI show management, including Libby Morley, an LFI founder, and representatives from IES and IALD will participate in a ceremonial ribbon cutting at 10:00 am to recognize the evolution of 20 years of lighting and the success of the trade show and conference experienced today. All LFI attendees and exhibitors are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 20-year celebration events.

LEDs Magazine will attend and report on a number of company hosted media events today, including a Press Conference hosted by Rudy Provoost, CEO of Philips Lighting Worldwide; a GE-hosted Media Luncheon; and a Media Event with Charlie Jerabek, Osram Sylvania President and CEO and Tim Lesch, Osram Sylvania Vice President of General Illumination Sales and Marketing.

Tuesday’s ‘must attend’ seminars include;
2:00 pm: 100,000 Hours of Life & Other LED Fairy Tales
4:30 pm: LED Roadway Lighting Case Study

  • 2:00 pm: 100,000 Hours of Life & Other LED Fairy Tales
    • John Curran will once again demystify the high degree of confusion and misunderstanding today among lighting engineers, luminaire manufacturers, and LED suppliers concerning performance characteristics. There is even a lack of consistency among LED suppliers themselves. What does lifetime really mean? When is 100 lumens not 100 lumens? Do LEDs produce heat? Who cares about binning? This talk will dispel some of the fairy tales associated with LED specifications and attendees will gain a better understanding of the terms used (along with a couple of awful nursery rhymes, such as "Mary had an LED…Its light was white as snow…But everywhere that Mary went…People said “what is that blue glow?"). The seminar will also:
      1. Provide a better understanding of manufacturer specification data sheets for LEDs
      2. Describe design limitations for high flux LEDs
      3. Discuss lighting applications that are suitable for today’s LEDs and those that aren't
  • 4:30 pm: LED Roadway Lighting Case Study
    • Rick Kauffman’s case study presentation will cover an installation of LED roadway lighting in Fairview, TX (Dallas area). LED luminaires were designed and installed to displace the 400 watt metal halide lighting that had been originally specified. The project saves energy and maintenance and had a two year incremental payback. The Case Study will:
      1. Explain how the specified design was analyzed and an LED solution was found.
      2. Cover the project milestones and how the project was implemented.
      3. Answer questions on how to do LED roadway lighting properly.
    The US Department of Energy be holding a series of Training Sessions in their pavilion booth (#2975) on the trade show floor over the next 3 days, with the schedule for today and tomorrow, as follows: 11:00 am - DOE's SSL Commercialization Activities 11:30 am - ENERGY STAR – Version 1.1 Overview 12:00 pm - The Race for Super Efficient Light Bulbs – L Prize 12:30 pm - Specifying LEDs – Practical Guidance for Lighting Specifiers 1:00 pm - CALiPER Testing Update – Replacement Lamps 1:30 pm - What's Next with DOE SSL ENERGY STAR Specifications 2:00 pm - CALiPER Testing Update – Linear Fluorescent Replacements 2:30 pm - Understanding IES LM-79 & LM-80 3:00 pm - Learning from Critical Field Experience – Gateway Demonstrations 3:30 pm - Qualifying for DOE SSL ENERGY STAR 4:00 pm - Getting Involved with the SSL Quality Advocates Pledge Program 4:30 pm - Raising the Bar – DOE's SSL Design Competitions

    With more to come, we indicated yesterday that we would have some word on the ENERGY STAR conflict resolution and sources report that the proverbial adage of “sometimes it takes an Act of Congress” is ringing true. Visit the DOE booth on the trade show floor and see the many SSL programs at work and talk with the people that are making it all happen!

    The DOE will also host an L Prize Meet & Greet at 12:00 noon in the DOE Solid-State Lighting Booth (#2975). Learn the latest on the L Prize Competition, the race for super-efficient LED products to replace the most common incandescent light sources used today. Learn about the L Prize Competition launched at LIGHTFAIR last year, meet L Prize Partners, network between Partners and consider becoming a Partner. Lighting Manufacturers are encouraged to attend with their questions for the DOE or L Prize Partners. Refreshing opportunities and $20 million in 'snacks' will be served.


    Monday was a full day for great LED workshops, including "LED Luminaire Design." This was a full-day workshop with a panel of professionals led by Cree's Mark McClear, at which close to 100 attendees benefited from the many years of combined knowledge of the panellists regarding the intricacies and importance of valid design criteria and protocol. Attendees were given concrete take-away tools to assist in the evaluation of both manufacturers and product.

    Another valuable morning presentation by a panel of experts led by Jeff McCullough of PNNL was "SSL (LED) Technology - New Standards, Effectiveness Benchmarks, and Performance Data for a Rapidly Emerging Industry," where attendees were given the up to date picture regarding standards development and employment in the current marketplace. Both recent CALiPER results and an ENERGY STAR for SSL update were presented along wit the reminder of he upcoming DOE webcast regarding Replacement Lamps.

    Cooper Lighting announced the 32nd annual SOURCE Awards Competition winners, all recognized at the Wednesday luncheon, some of which featured excellent designs employing LED. Renowned artist, James Turrell, who is dedicated to working with light and space, is best known for his current masterpiece, Roden Crater gave an inspiring address at the Wednesday luncheon sponsored by Cooper. In the past two decades, his work has been recognized in exhibitions in major museums around the world. Turrell presented Plato’s Cave and the Light Inside, an overview of his work and sources of inspiration, supported by four decades of playing with perception and the effects of light within a created space.

    In the afternoon, Marc Dyble and Jianzhong Jiao presented "LED Technology and Luminaire Design" to over 100 attendees. Dyble characterized the SSL advancements in a 120 year old and $100 billion lighting market, where 5 years ago at LIGHFAIR, less than 5% of exhibitor had LD in their offerings and on today’s 2009 trade floor, less than 5% do not have an LED offering. In an opening inspirational slide, Dyble asked attendees to;
    - Imagine a world where lighting design is more than illumination…
    - Imagine a world where lighting maintenance is a mere memory…
    - Imagine a world where lighting becomes a part of the décor and sets the mood for the room or function….
    - Imagine a world where space for illumination is not a concern ….
    - Imagine a world where your lighting becomes a part of the environment – not waste in a landfill…

    Another full day event on Monday was the DOE’s Commercial Building Energy Alliances (CBEA) Lighting / Controls Supplier Summit – Retrofitting Existing Buildings, through the facilitation of the IES. Welcomed by IES President, Ronald Gibbons, DOE’s Dru Crawley opening comments included the fact that 18% of the US energy is consumed by this sector. Crawley gave an overview of the CBEA Technology Procurement program, highlighting the LED Outdoor Area (Parking Lot) Lighting initiative, assessing the benefits of SSL such as environmental impact and ensuring uniformity. Amy Laugheed of Macy’s department Stores gave an informative presentation, which highlighted Macy’s SSL activities. Laughead invited summit delegate to visit the New York City Herald Square store to see LED in action at Macy’s. Kevin Kampschroer of the US General Service Administration (GSA) highlighted GSA plans including the potential of American Recovery and Re-investment Act (ARRA or stimulus funding). I spoke directly with Kampschroer and we discussed the GSA protocol that put a gatekeeper in place with respect to SSL projects and ARRA funding, that being the GSA has Project Management Office that assigns ‘subject matter experts’ to review projects, and in the case of SSL, the ‘gatekeeper’ is PNNL. Bravo to the GSA! Now if can only ensure a similar process for the any municipalities seeking ARRA funding for LED outdoor area and street lighting projects, we can hopefully put a ‘finger in the dike’, avoid disappointment from expectations a big ‘black eye’ on the technology itself due to potential errors in process or protocol.

    Brian Weldy gave an interesting perspective from the hospitals sector where an average of 15% of energy is consumed by lighting, opening with a comment, ‘Lighting is Exciting”. He explained that energy conservation is ‘means and methods’ such as behavioural change, an example being turning off the lights, while energy efficiency is device, product and system driven. He cautioned everyone that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution and provided his rational in an acronym, ‘FACE’ or Function, Aesthetics, Cost and Efficiency (comparison of alternatives) in determining your lighting direction.

    A breakout session was presented by Ralph Williams of Wal-Mart and Cheryl Penkivech of Target Stores. This was very informative as it highlighted the activities of the Retail Energy Alliance (REA), the subject of a recent DOE webcast. I will be preparing a more in-depth look at the LED activities in an upcoming article. The afternoon also included a manufacturer and sector representative speed-dating event, where manufactures could discuss their offerings directly with the potential customers.

    INTO THE LIGHT TOMORROW: Wednesday, May 6

    Essential seminars on Wednesday include:

  • 4:30 pm: The Not-So-Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Review of Product Failures, Botched Jobs, and Curious Applications
  • The US Department of Energy repeats their series of Training Sessions, with the same schedule as listed in today’s events.

    In celebration of LIGHTFAIR International’s 20-year Anniversary, its two historic Masters’ courses will be offered free of charge to LFI 2009 attendees and exhibitors registered for the Exhibit Hall or LFI courses– based on generous support provided by Acuity Brands Lighting, OSRAM Sylvania, Amerlux Lighting Solutions and MechoShade Systems.

    Dave Dilaura presents "20 Years of Light and Lighting: A Look at the Recent Past with Lessons for the Future" at 9:00 am. and a panel of Masters, including Howard Branston present "Celebrating the History of the Independent Lighting Designer" at 2:00 pm.


    With anticipation growing, I as well, await tomorrow like a child with ‘one sleep’ left until Christmas morning. It is truly rewarding to be part f this change, a revolution in light and to see the most interesting and significant advancements in lighting in almost 100 years. With what I’ve seen already in my trade floor ‘peeks’ I am on my way to get a good pair of sunglasses for Tuesday morning.

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