Own a small business? You might qualify for a free energy survey, incentives for equipment upgrades, and more.
Con Edison is accepting applicants for its small business and commercial/industrial programs, which help customers identify and upgrade inefficient equipment. Small business customers with an average peak monthly electric demand under 100 kW stand to reap lucrative energy savings, including:
- A free energy survey by an approved technician to find and target sources of energy waste
- Incentives of up to 70% for upgrades of lighting, ballasts, HVAC, and other equipment
- A free smart thermostat that enables participation in demand response events
The utility granted roughly 42,000 free surveys for small businesses between 2009 and 2011, notes Esteban Vasquez, a manager in Con Edison’s energy efficiency group. In the last year, another 17,000 business owners have taken advantage of the offer, in which surveyors develop energy efficiency recommendations customized to each business.
“Lighting is the simplest thing that can be upgraded, and it’s also the most cost-effective. It makes up roughly 90% of the energy savings from these programs,” says Vasquez. “It has an impact not only financially, but aesthetically too.”
To learn more, visit coned.com/greenteam or call 877-870-6118.