LEED-certified existing buildings are outpacing their newly built counterparts by 15 million square feet on a cumulative basis – a first in USGBC history.
“The market is becoming increasingly aware of how building owners can get better performance through green operations and maintenance,” says Rick Fedrizzi, president, CEO, and founding chair of USGBC.
“LEED as a rating system is continuing to evolve an ever greater emphasis on performance, not only in energy, but also in water, location, indoor environmental quality, and materials.”
LEED-certified commercial and institutional buildings are also increasing steadily by state for both new and existing facilities. Colorado topped the list at 2.74 square feet per person with Illinois in close pursuit at 2.69. The District of Columbia outperformed all states at 31.5 square feet per person.
Other states leading the country for LEED buildings included Virginia, Washington, Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, California, New York, and Minnesota.
“These states should be recognized for working to reinvent their local building landscapes with buildings that enliven and bolster the health of our environment, communities, and local economies,” commends Fedrizzi. “Looking past the bricks and mortar, people are at the heart of what buildings are all about,” he continues. “Examining the per capita value of LEED square footage in these states allows us to focus on what matters most – the human element of green buildings.”