For the last quarter-century, Buildings magazine’s Who’s Who in the Buildings Market report has recognized the companies, organizations, and departments whose innovations, accomplishments, and entrepreneurial spirit have helped define the commercial and institutional buildings industry. Whether through projects, processes, or people, these visionaries have broken new ground in an ever-increasingly competitive real estate arena, differentiating themselves with confidence and know-how - yet generously providing the leadership and expertise for industry peers to follow. Talent? Aptitude? Luck? True greatness takes all those things and more. Most importantly, such success stories chronicle a common theme of steadfast flexibility: the ability to adapt to market demands - and succeed - through thoughtful analyses, calculated risk-taking, passion, and enthusiasm.
Once again, Buildings highlights this year’s selection of industry players (handpicked by the editorial staff) who are offering something more within this shifting marketplace. This “A List” of facilities-related businesses and departments from development/ownership, management, corporate, institutional, and government entities is a roster that is intended to represent participant organizations from each industry segment that Buildings reaches. Although it’s entirely subjective, The A List represents hours of research, discussion, and knowledge-seeking among industry professionals. The Buildings Census, which follows The A List, is delineated by industry segment and offers stats and facts (many of which have been provided directly by the organizations) from several of today’s big names in the business.
Is your organization missing from either roster? Don’t hesitate to contact the Buildings editorial staff at (319) 364-6167 about your company’s activities and initiatives, this year and next. We’d love to include your information in the future.
The A List
The editorial team at Buildings magazine recognizes its annual “top 25 organizations to watch” - industry leaders in real estate ownership/development, management companies, corporate real estate departments, institutional owners, and government agencies. The A List distinguishes those professional teams that have embodied innovation and forward thinking while addressing critical issues in the marketplace with a single-minded, can-do spirit. Not surprisingly, many of these firms/departments are concentrating on some of the top concerns of Buildings readers: lowering operating costs; maximizing building performance; adopting best-practices programs in energy management, safety and security, routine care and maintenance; environmental initiatives; budgeting for the long term, employing both life-cycle costs and predictive/preventive maintenance analyses; attending to regulatory and code issues in a proactive, thoughtful manner; and making the best possible choices in their selection of available and emerging technologies and suppliers. The result? Clearly accomplishing bottom-line and building-occupant goals, and planning for an even more fruitful tomorrow. The business of buildings is never dull, but it is challenging. See how these leaders are guiding the industry with flair and - let’s face it - a touch of genius.