Public Works and Government Services Canada
Hull, QC, Canada
(800) 622-6232
Public Works and Government Services Canada is the engine that powers the government of Canada, supporting the daily operations of nearly 140 federal departments and agencies (including purchasing goods and serv-ices, providing office accommodations for Canada’s public servants, managing important national heritage properties, and offering information technology, telecommunications, translation, banking, auditing, and other assistance as needed - all aimed at getting the best value).
As the Government of Canada’s purchaser and property manager, the agency also plays a leading role in greening government operations (within its new Office of Greening Government Operations): green procurement, energy-efficient buildings, recycling, and remediation of contaminated sites. Using industry-developed and approved environmental assessment tools in the design, construction, and management of its buildings, Public Works boasts an inventory that is 34-percent more energy efficient and 24-percent more greenhouse-gas efficient today (based upon 1990 numbers). Recognized as a green leader for a number of assets within its existing portfolio, the organization is also committed to meeting the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating System guidelines, striving for Gold in all new buildings.