Returning from fairly extensive business travel over the past couple of months makes me more fully appreciate this issue’s spotlight on managing the FM team. Most of the helpful tips provided by Managing Editor Jana Madsen, who authored the series of cover articles, offer a universal approach to personnel management that could be applied to any industry or situation. Do you identify with any of the traits within “Being a Better Boss”? Did you think the article fit you to a “T”? More importantly, will your staff read the article, sadly shake their heads, and then secretly leave a dog-eared copy of the issue opened on your desk?
What about hiring and retention practices? Do you truly take the time to follow the steps outlined in “Building Great Teams” when looking for a new individual to come on-board? It’s a bit like product selection, isn’t it? What can add value to existing circumstances without creating incompatibility issues? Making loyalty a reality in “The Secrets of Employee Retention” is so much more about consistency and connecting than bells, whistles, and smoke and mirrors. Perks are great - I love them - but there’s a simple happiness that comes from pride and teamwork and the instilled trust that results.
I’m fortunate to be part of a great team - an amazing group of hard-working, creative individuals who drive and embrace solutions (all of whom are listed on page 66 of this issue). They’re an interesting group, too - modest, but appreciative when their efforts are recognized. And - not unlike you - our work is never done. Together, we strive to make the best decisions going forward in all of our media products: in print, online, and in person.
With initiatives under way to plan out next year’s editorial coverage, we’re especially interested in the critical issues that are top-of-mind during your workdays. Send your ideas to ([email protected]). Let us help you achieve your best practices goals.