In January, Nassau County, NY, Executive Tom Suozzi unveiled his vision for New Suburbia at Nassau Centre, a bold new vision planned and designed by Fox & Fowle Architects, New York City. In collaboration with The STV Group Inc., a leading professional firm offering engineering, architectural, planning, and environmental and construction management services, the vision addresses the need for planned development within a 3-square-mile area in the center of Nassau County, Long Island, known as the “Nassau Hub.”The plan begins with a new transportation system that will link existing communities, recreational areas, and business centers with the hub. (Transit options include: bus rapid transit, light rail transit, and automated guideway transit.) Building off of the transportation improvements, the plan suggests new office buildings, new sports entertainment and tourism venues, a zoo at Eisenhower Park, college housing in Hempstead Village, improving Museum Row at Mitchel Field, a green-belt “emerald ribbon’” of pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths connecting existing parks and preserves, and a new transit boulevard from EAB Plaza to Roosevelt Field Mall.“Currently, our residents believe we are overdeveloped, over-trafficked, under-planned, and over-taxed – and, they are right; and for too long, developers have driven development and residents are fearful that each new development takes from us another piece of our suburban serenity,” says Suozzi. “We need a new vision for the future. A vision that protects our suburban dream, preserves our quality of life, and expands our tax base. I call the vision ‘New Suburbia,’ and the ‘Nassau Hub,’ disjointed for 25 years, will become the Nassau Centre.”“It takes a long time for redevelopment to happen suddenly,” adds Mark E. Strauss, director of planning at Fox & Fowle Architects; vice president/president elect of the New York Chapter of the AIA; and director of the Department of Planning for the Newman Real Estate Institute at Baruch College, New York City. “This should not be viewed as a finished plan, but as a framework for redevelopment, which may take 50 years to be realized.”Currently, the Nassau County hub is the biggest economic driver for the county, but it is not linked to the major transit corridors that serve Long Island. Until the middle of the 20th century, airfields and military bases predominated. In the mid-1950s when the area became available for redevelopment, the Meadowbrook Parkway was extended to serve the area, but rail connections were not made. As new development filled the void, such as Roosevelt Field Mall, the Nassau Coliseum, Nassau Community College, Hofstra, and a number of office development projects, they were designed as isolated projects with easy highway access, but without any physical links to one another or existing communities on Long Island. Today, this area is often used as an illustration to define the term “sprawl.” Additionally, because of existing highway congestion, economic development can not expand or compete with existing commercial centers around the region.In addition to commercial and recreational areas, the plan is designed to include housing, hotels, and new educational facilities. Nassau Centre is a result of a need for a new vision for the future, which accommodates economic growth. The vision is designed to protect the suburban dream and preserve the quality of life for the long term.Events CalendarLooking for solutions? Want some training? There are plenty of reasons to leave the office in May. Don’t miss out on these excellent opportunities. To find out more about these and other upcoming events, visit ( Disaster/Emergency Management Workshop
5/2/2005 Farmington, CT
5/9/2005 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
5/23/2005 AtlantaHospitality Lighting Conference
5/2/2005 Cleveland
National Conference on Building Commissioning
5/4/2005 New York City
FloorTek 2005
5/17/2005 Dalton, GA
AIA National Convention & Design Exposition
5/19/2005 Las Vegas
ICSC Spring Convention
5/22/2005 Las Vegas
GOVSEC – the Government Security Expo and Conference
5/25/2005 Washington, D.C.New York City is Nation’s Most Expensive Office LocationCB Richard Ellis’ (CBRE’s) Annual Global Market Rents Report indicates that Midtown Manhattan in New York City is the nation’s priciest office location, and the 24th most expensive office location in the world. At $52.53 per square foot, New York’s Midtown fell to the 24th position from last year’s 20th, followed by Washington, D.C. ($43.24) in the 30th position; Boston ($38.98) in the 36th; and Downtown Manhattan ($37.80) in the 40th.The top 50 cities are fairly stable, and only one new entrant – Ottawa – replaced Ho Chi Minh City. The first top six cities from 2003 remained in place for 2004. Ottawa moved up in rank more significantly than any other city, from 51st to 42nd over second-half 2004. Hong Kong and Toronto also moved up seven places in the rankings, due to both rental value gains as well as an exchange rate shift.London’s West End has now been the most expensive location in the survey since second-quarter 2000. The strong growth in rental values there, as well as increases in other costs of occupation, mean that at $191.60 per square foot, the West End of London is over 50-percent more expensive than the world’s second priciest location – London’s “City” area – with average rents of $125.80 per square foot.
ASHRAE Ventilation Standard UpdatedAfter 30 years, the Atlanta-based American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has developed significant expertise and plenty of experience. This is being applied – along with research developments – to the updated ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). This standard specifies minimum ventilation rates and IAQ requirements for commercial and institutional buildings. The updated standard incorporates 17 addenda, of which the most significant is the revision of the Ventilation Rate Procedure. This change is intended to clarify the adjustments necessary for space air distribution and system efficiency of multi-zone recirculating systems. “While the purpose of the standard has remained consistent since it was first established in 1973, the means for achieving the goal of providing acceptable indoor air quality have evolved,” David Butler, chair of the Standard 62.1 committee, says. To order, contact ASHRAE Customer Service at (800) 527-4723 or visit (
Income/Expense Data AvailableThe Chicago-based Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) has compiled and published 2004 Income/Expense Analysis® data for key property sectors and specific metropolitan areas. A detailed look at operating revenues and expenses is provided for office buildings; conventional apartments; federally assisted apartments; condominiums, cooperatives, and planned united developments; and shopping centers. Organized with common line items such as rent, utilities, maintenance, insurance, taxes, vacancies, and payroll, it’s easy to quickly benchmark properties in a given portfolio against others in the same marketplace. The reports (compiled according to property type) are priced at $75. An Income/Expense Packaged Metro Report, including individual metro, as well as regional and national data for a specific property type, are available for $125. To order these reports, visit the IREM website (
Illinois’ New State Emergency Operations CenterFunded in part by The Department of Homeland Security, Illinois’ State Emergency Operations Center is one of a new generation of facilities designed to manage emergency operations, including security and terrorist threats.Its design incorporates standards recommended for security from the Department of Defense and the Department of State. At the same time, the design incorporates innovative strategies for securing the facility without sacrificing aesthetics. Many of the building’s cladding systems are layered so that their performance can be adjusted as required, while their detailing can maintain a degree of lightness and elegance. Limestone panels screen the entrance lobby and overlap each other to protect the glass from direct line of sight from the street and entry drive.The balance of traditional, contemporary, and high-technology elements results in a building that blends technology and security in a sophisticated and stylish manner.
Twelve Companies Recognized in CoreNet Global Economic Development AwardsAtlanta-based CoreNet Global, a leading professional association of corporate real estate executives, recently announced the finalists for the 2005 Economic Development Leadership & Accomplishment Awards. The CoreNet Global awards recognize leadership, best practices, and innovations in economic development.CoreNet Global has recognized 12 finalists out of a record 29 nominations as demonstrating these qualities and showing examples of leadership and accomplishment in economic development. Finalists have been recognized in two categories: Leadership & Innovation and Major Projects/Deals.Leadership & Innovation finalists are:Beacon Council, FL – Local Business Local Jobs – A comprehensive marketing and outreach plan making retention and expansion of existing industry a top priority in this Miami-Dade, FL, community.City of Farmers Branch, TX – An innovative local incentives package that resulted in the location of the JP Morgan Investment Services global investment service division through $1.2 million in annual property tax abatements, $1.6 million in sales tax exemption, and $932,342 in training grants.Cumberland County, NC, Business Council – A local initiative to enhance business recruitment and retention leveraging the military and downtown development resulting in part in investments of $52 million by Goodyear and $26 million by Nitta Gelatin; also incorporating a public image campaign.Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County, IN – Providing logistics, manufacturing, accounting, and sales support to small- and mid-sized Japanese automotive suppliers through the Foreign Auto Parts Incubator Program in partnership with SANYO Laser Products.Pearland, TX, Economic Development Corp. – A new Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) program is the only one of its kind in the Houston metro region and includes The Spectrum at Clear Creek, a master-planned, mixed-use business and technology park, as well as the branding of State Highway 288 as a technology center.Pennsylvania Dept. of Community and Economic Development – The state’s Economic Stimulus Package leverages $2.3 billion in bonds and loan guarantees, includes an R&D tax credit program, and has resulted in the state seeing a 65-percent increase in successfully completed projects and a 76-percent rise in offers to business.Tennessee Valley Authority –, reported to be the world’s largest GIS site selection system, enables corporate real estate professionals, prospective companies, site consultants, and others to identify optimal properties throughout the Tennessee Valley’s 80,000 square miles and 1,568 sites listed.CoreNet Global Economic Development Leadership Award finalists for Major Projects/Deals are:Pennsylvania Dept. of Community & Economic Development – Up to $5 billion in capital investment is projected through the state’s Economic Stimulus Package, with the top 10 deals of 2004 generating $1.5 billion of that total, including Comcast, Merk, Olympus, Fairchild Semiconductor, Alcoa, and Advance Auto Parts.Arlington, VA, Economic Development (AED) – AED capitalized on one of the hottest commercial real estate markets in the United States, with package deals including PBS, the Corporate Executive Board, BAE Systems, and AES Corp., leveraging tax credits and other incentives into more than $300 million in investment.Piedmont Triad, NC, Partnership – Dell Inc. selected the region for its largest manufacturing plant in the world – a $115-million, 600,000-square-foot facility with up to 2,000 employees resulting from the Piedmont Triad Partnership’s work with the state, Community Colleges, and the Golden Leaf Foundation.Michigan Economic Development Corp. – MEDC applied part of a state and local $42-million incentives package to a retention strategy for General Motors, and the company responded with a $450-million upgrade of two plants, plus a $300-million, 500,000-square-foot addition to another locally based production center.San Antonio, TX, Economic Development Foundation (EDF) – A year after Toyota’s location of a 2,000-employee truck plant, the EDF announced the addition of 18 on-site suppliers employing 1,500 workers, an unprecedented number at any North American automotive plant supplementing Toyota’s $800-million Are You Online or Behind the Times?The 24/7/365 availability of news and information is crucial to being a knowledgeable professional who is capable of making educated decisions and forecasting the industry’s impacts on the business of ownership, development, and building management. If you have not taken time to visit in the last month, here’s a sampling of what you missed:»NewsTool Designed to Identify Air-Handling System VulnerabilitiesRecognizing the potential for a building’s air-handling system to expose large numbers of people to biological and chemical agents, the Rhode Island (RI) Department of Health recently released a Building Vulnerability Assessment Tool. Five Critical Questions to Ask When Buying Your RoofWith so many options, it’s important to ask the right questions. Wooster, OH-based Seaman Corp. provides advice on what to ask and what to expect for answers.These news items have been archived on and can be accessed by using the website’s search engine, located in the upper right corner. Visit ( to view these items in their entirety.»PollsA weekly poll queries users on industry opinions, trends, strategies, and building products/services. Curious about what your peers and their organizations are doing? Check out the results – or even better, participate yourself!Do you have a degree in facilities management?Yes – 16%No – 84%»e-newsletters Greener Facilities, Vol. 3, Issue 2: Cost-Effective CommissioningRick Fidrizzi, president and CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Green Building Council, weighs in on the risks and rewards of building commissioning.Roofing News, Issue 36: Upgrading for Fun and ProfitIndustry expert Richard Fricklas provides information on affordable upgrades to a non-performing roof. To view these newsletters, visit’s homepage or subscribe at ( GreenbacksThe U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), which oversees the majority of the federal government’s design and construction projects, has released a study estimating the costs of developing green federal facilities using the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) rating system, Version 2.1. The study was prepared by Steven Winter Associates Inc. (SWA), with cost estimating support provided by Skanska USA Building Inc.The report provides a detailed and structured review of both the hard and soft costs of achieving LEED Certification, Silver, and Gold ratings for two common GSA building types. The two buildings compared in the study – a new mid-rise federal courthouse and a mid-rise federal office building modernization – reflect a significant potion of GSA’s planned projects over the next 5 to 10 years. An analysis, including DOE.2 energy modeling, was performed to identify green building measures above and beyond those included in GSA’s standards that would likely be implemented to meet the specific LEED ratings. From these measures, the design and construction costs were estimated for each prerequisite and credit, with variations defined for both the courthouse and office building models. For each rating, “low” and “high” cost scenarios were developed in order to bracket LEED costs. For example, the estimated differential in hard costs for the new courthouse (where hard costs include material, equipment, and labor) are:Certification: Low (-0.4%), High (+1.0%).Silver: Low (-0.03%), High (+4.4%).Gold: Low (+1.4%), High (+8.1%).The report also includes analysis of the soft costs. The entire study can be downloaded at no cost from the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) website (, which is a knowledge-based Web portal designed to provide government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of construction criteria, guidance, and technology from an integrated, or “whole building,” perspective. The WBDG was created by the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council, and is currently developed and managed by the National Institute of Building Sciences with SWA support.
5/2/2005 Farmington, CT
5/9/2005 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
5/23/2005 AtlantaHospitality Lighting Conference
5/2/2005 Cleveland
National Conference on Building Commissioning
5/4/2005 New York City
FloorTek 2005
5/17/2005 Dalton, GA
AIA National Convention & Design Exposition
5/19/2005 Las Vegas
ICSC Spring Convention
5/22/2005 Las Vegas
GOVSEC – the Government Security Expo and Conference
5/25/2005 Washington, D.C.New York City is Nation’s Most Expensive Office LocationCB Richard Ellis’ (CBRE’s) Annual Global Market Rents Report indicates that Midtown Manhattan in New York City is the nation’s priciest office location, and the 24th most expensive office location in the world. At $52.53 per square foot, New York’s Midtown fell to the 24th position from last year’s 20th, followed by Washington, D.C. ($43.24) in the 30th position; Boston ($38.98) in the 36th; and Downtown Manhattan ($37.80) in the 40th.The top 50 cities are fairly stable, and only one new entrant – Ottawa – replaced Ho Chi Minh City. The first top six cities from 2003 remained in place for 2004. Ottawa moved up in rank more significantly than any other city, from 51st to 42nd over second-half 2004. Hong Kong and Toronto also moved up seven places in the rankings, due to both rental value gains as well as an exchange rate shift.London’s West End has now been the most expensive location in the survey since second-quarter 2000. The strong growth in rental values there, as well as increases in other costs of occupation, mean that at $191.60 per square foot, the West End of London is over 50-percent more expensive than the world’s second priciest location – London’s “City” area – with average rents of $125.80 per square foot.
ASHRAE Ventilation Standard UpdatedAfter 30 years, the Atlanta-based American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has developed significant expertise and plenty of experience. This is being applied – along with research developments – to the updated ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). This standard specifies minimum ventilation rates and IAQ requirements for commercial and institutional buildings. The updated standard incorporates 17 addenda, of which the most significant is the revision of the Ventilation Rate Procedure. This change is intended to clarify the adjustments necessary for space air distribution and system efficiency of multi-zone recirculating systems. “While the purpose of the standard has remained consistent since it was first established in 1973, the means for achieving the goal of providing acceptable indoor air quality have evolved,” David Butler, chair of the Standard 62.1 committee, says. To order, contact ASHRAE Customer Service at (800) 527-4723 or visit (
Income/Expense Data AvailableThe Chicago-based Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) has compiled and published 2004 Income/Expense Analysis® data for key property sectors and specific metropolitan areas. A detailed look at operating revenues and expenses is provided for office buildings; conventional apartments; federally assisted apartments; condominiums, cooperatives, and planned united developments; and shopping centers. Organized with common line items such as rent, utilities, maintenance, insurance, taxes, vacancies, and payroll, it’s easy to quickly benchmark properties in a given portfolio against others in the same marketplace. The reports (compiled according to property type) are priced at $75. An Income/Expense Packaged Metro Report, including individual metro, as well as regional and national data for a specific property type, are available for $125. To order these reports, visit the IREM website (
Illinois’ New State Emergency Operations CenterFunded in part by The Department of Homeland Security, Illinois’ State Emergency Operations Center is one of a new generation of facilities designed to manage emergency operations, including security and terrorist threats.Its design incorporates standards recommended for security from the Department of Defense and the Department of State. At the same time, the design incorporates innovative strategies for securing the facility without sacrificing aesthetics. Many of the building’s cladding systems are layered so that their performance can be adjusted as required, while their detailing can maintain a degree of lightness and elegance. Limestone panels screen the entrance lobby and overlap each other to protect the glass from direct line of sight from the street and entry drive.The balance of traditional, contemporary, and high-technology elements results in a building that blends technology and security in a sophisticated and stylish manner.
Twelve Companies Recognized in CoreNet Global Economic Development AwardsAtlanta-based CoreNet Global, a leading professional association of corporate real estate executives, recently announced the finalists for the 2005 Economic Development Leadership & Accomplishment Awards. The CoreNet Global awards recognize leadership, best practices, and innovations in economic development.CoreNet Global has recognized 12 finalists out of a record 29 nominations as demonstrating these qualities and showing examples of leadership and accomplishment in economic development. Finalists have been recognized in two categories: Leadership & Innovation and Major Projects/Deals.Leadership & Innovation finalists are:Beacon Council, FL – Local Business Local Jobs – A comprehensive marketing and outreach plan making retention and expansion of existing industry a top priority in this Miami-Dade, FL, community.City of Farmers Branch, TX – An innovative local incentives package that resulted in the location of the JP Morgan Investment Services global investment service division through $1.2 million in annual property tax abatements, $1.6 million in sales tax exemption, and $932,342 in training grants.Cumberland County, NC, Business Council – A local initiative to enhance business recruitment and retention leveraging the military and downtown development resulting in part in investments of $52 million by Goodyear and $26 million by Nitta Gelatin; also incorporating a public image campaign.Economic Development Corp. of Wayne County, IN – Providing logistics, manufacturing, accounting, and sales support to small- and mid-sized Japanese automotive suppliers through the Foreign Auto Parts Incubator Program in partnership with SANYO Laser Products.Pearland, TX, Economic Development Corp. – A new Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) program is the only one of its kind in the Houston metro region and includes The Spectrum at Clear Creek, a master-planned, mixed-use business and technology park, as well as the branding of State Highway 288 as a technology center.Pennsylvania Dept. of Community and Economic Development – The state’s Economic Stimulus Package leverages $2.3 billion in bonds and loan guarantees, includes an R&D tax credit program, and has resulted in the state seeing a 65-percent increase in successfully completed projects and a 76-percent rise in offers to business.Tennessee Valley Authority –, reported to be the world’s largest GIS site selection system, enables corporate real estate professionals, prospective companies, site consultants, and others to identify optimal properties throughout the Tennessee Valley’s 80,000 square miles and 1,568 sites listed.CoreNet Global Economic Development Leadership Award finalists for Major Projects/Deals are:Pennsylvania Dept. of Community & Economic Development – Up to $5 billion in capital investment is projected through the state’s Economic Stimulus Package, with the top 10 deals of 2004 generating $1.5 billion of that total, including Comcast, Merk, Olympus, Fairchild Semiconductor, Alcoa, and Advance Auto Parts.Arlington, VA, Economic Development (AED) – AED capitalized on one of the hottest commercial real estate markets in the United States, with package deals including PBS, the Corporate Executive Board, BAE Systems, and AES Corp., leveraging tax credits and other incentives into more than $300 million in investment.Piedmont Triad, NC, Partnership – Dell Inc. selected the region for its largest manufacturing plant in the world – a $115-million, 600,000-square-foot facility with up to 2,000 employees resulting from the Piedmont Triad Partnership’s work with the state, Community Colleges, and the Golden Leaf Foundation.Michigan Economic Development Corp. – MEDC applied part of a state and local $42-million incentives package to a retention strategy for General Motors, and the company responded with a $450-million upgrade of two plants, plus a $300-million, 500,000-square-foot addition to another locally based production center.San Antonio, TX, Economic Development Foundation (EDF) – A year after Toyota’s location of a 2,000-employee truck plant, the EDF announced the addition of 18 on-site suppliers employing 1,500 workers, an unprecedented number at any North American automotive plant supplementing Toyota’s $800-million Are You Online or Behind the Times?The 24/7/365 availability of news and information is crucial to being a knowledgeable professional who is capable of making educated decisions and forecasting the industry’s impacts on the business of ownership, development, and building management. If you have not taken time to visit in the last month, here’s a sampling of what you missed:»NewsTool Designed to Identify Air-Handling System VulnerabilitiesRecognizing the potential for a building’s air-handling system to expose large numbers of people to biological and chemical agents, the Rhode Island (RI) Department of Health recently released a Building Vulnerability Assessment Tool. Five Critical Questions to Ask When Buying Your RoofWith so many options, it’s important to ask the right questions. Wooster, OH-based Seaman Corp. provides advice on what to ask and what to expect for answers.These news items have been archived on and can be accessed by using the website’s search engine, located in the upper right corner. Visit ( to view these items in their entirety.»PollsA weekly poll queries users on industry opinions, trends, strategies, and building products/services. Curious about what your peers and their organizations are doing? Check out the results – or even better, participate yourself!Do you have a degree in facilities management?Yes – 16%No – 84%»e-newsletters Greener Facilities, Vol. 3, Issue 2: Cost-Effective CommissioningRick Fidrizzi, president and CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Green Building Council, weighs in on the risks and rewards of building commissioning.Roofing News, Issue 36: Upgrading for Fun and ProfitIndustry expert Richard Fricklas provides information on affordable upgrades to a non-performing roof. To view these newsletters, visit’s homepage or subscribe at ( GreenbacksThe U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), which oversees the majority of the federal government’s design and construction projects, has released a study estimating the costs of developing green federal facilities using the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) rating system, Version 2.1. The study was prepared by Steven Winter Associates Inc. (SWA), with cost estimating support provided by Skanska USA Building Inc.The report provides a detailed and structured review of both the hard and soft costs of achieving LEED Certification, Silver, and Gold ratings for two common GSA building types. The two buildings compared in the study – a new mid-rise federal courthouse and a mid-rise federal office building modernization – reflect a significant potion of GSA’s planned projects over the next 5 to 10 years. An analysis, including DOE.2 energy modeling, was performed to identify green building measures above and beyond those included in GSA’s standards that would likely be implemented to meet the specific LEED ratings. From these measures, the design and construction costs were estimated for each prerequisite and credit, with variations defined for both the courthouse and office building models. For each rating, “low” and “high” cost scenarios were developed in order to bracket LEED costs. For example, the estimated differential in hard costs for the new courthouse (where hard costs include material, equipment, and labor) are:Certification: Low (-0.4%), High (+1.0%).Silver: Low (-0.03%), High (+4.4%).Gold: Low (+1.4%), High (+8.1%).The report also includes analysis of the soft costs. The entire study can be downloaded at no cost from the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) website (, which is a knowledge-based Web portal designed to provide government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of construction criteria, guidance, and technology from an integrated, or “whole building,” perspective. The WBDG was created by the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council, and is currently developed and managed by the National Institute of Building Sciences with SWA support.
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Jan. 21, 2025