Who's Who in the Buildings Market 2004: Government Agencies

Sept. 1, 2004
Facilities/support departments in federal government agencies
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.www1.va.govThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the second largest cabinet department and has one of the most diverse, challenging, and rewarding missions in the U.S. Government. VA strives to meet the needs of America’s veterans and their families in a responsive, timely, compassionate manner in recognition of their service to the nation. With 220,000 employees, more than 160 hospitals, hundreds of outpatient clinics, and 58 regional offices, the department stands ready to meet the healthcare and benefits needs of the nation’s 25 million living veterans today and in the future. VA’s fiscal year 2003 projected spending was $59.6 billion: $25.9 billion for healthcare; $32.8 billion for benefits; $132 million for national cemetery operations; $455 million for all VA construction; and $322 million for departmental administration. For more information about specific facility and key staff information on the 1,127 Veterans Affairs’ facilities, listed in the agency’s on-site Facility Directory and valued at more than $35 billion, visit (www1.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isFlash=1).Directorate of The Civil Engineer, Headquarters Air Combat CommandLangley Air Force Base, VA(757) 764-2001Information provided by the Directorate of The Civil Engineer, Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC), Langley Air Force Base, VA, points to the breadth and width of this organization’s oversight of facilities and its involvement in the housing, support, and administration of facilities for Air Force personnel. The total square-footage portfolio exceeds 98 million square feet of space*. 415 Office Buildings*: 7.39 million square feet. 103 Shopping Centers*: 2.87 million square feet. 35 Educational Buildings*: 703,020 square feet. 59 Healthcare Buildings*: 1.45 million square feet. 518 Hotel/Motel Buildings (comprising 26,694 units)*: 8.01 million square feet. 12,332 Multi-Family Housing Buildings (comprising 23,188 units)*: 34.63 million square feet. 5,803 Other Commercial Buildings*: 37.25 million square feet. 625 Industrial Buildings*: 5.79 million square feet. The Directorate also reports involvement in 20 Airfield Pavements*: 1.09 million square yards; 1,413 Utilities Systems*: 43.66 million linear feet; and 386 Support Infrastructure (roads) Installations*: 24.51 million square feet. Dollar Volume of Capital Spending in 2004 Devoted toward Facilities*: Minor Construction, Restoration Modernization, $615 million; Restoration and Modernization, $363 million. Dollar Volume of Operational Spending in 2004 Devoted toward Facilities*: Sustainment, $209 million; Labor, $75 million; Utilities, $91 million; Service Contracts, $148 million; Supplies/Equipment, $50 million; Other (including Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense), $5 million; Military Family Housing, $140 million; and Investment Equipment, $10 million. Number of Professionals Involved Full-Time in Facilities*: 10,027. Regarding projects under way, the Directorate reports that it “performs and manages maintenance, repair, and construction for ACC’s $35-billion physical plant at 15 major bases and numerous smaller installations. Annual work performed in 2004 totals $660 million* (Additions/Alterations, $148.4 million; Maintenance/Repair, $248 million; Improvements, $8.4 million; and New Construction, $255.3 million). Some work will be completed in FY2004, while the remainder will be completed in the following 12-18 months.” Federal Bureau of Prisons
Washington, D.C.
(202) 307-3198
www.bop.govWhile the primary business of the Federal Bureau of Prisons is operating correctional facilities, certain administration, support, and policy functions are carried out by the Central Office, six regional offices, and two training centers. The Bureau operates institutions of several different security levels to house a broad spectrum of offenders in an appropriate manner. Security levels are based on such features as the presence of external patrols, gun towers, security barriers, or detection devices; the type of housing within the institution; internal security features; and the staff-to-inmate ratio. Each facility is placed in one of five groups: minimum, low, medium, high, and administrative. Facilities are identified as Federal Correctional Complexes, Federal Correctional Institutions, FederalDetentionCenters, FederalMedicalCenters, Federal Prison Camps, Federal Secure Low, FederalTransferCenters, MetropolitanCorrectionalCenters, MedicalCenters for Federal Prisoners, MetropolitanDetentionCenters, and U.S. Penitentiaries. Number of facilities in each region include: Mid-Atlantic, 18; North Central, 18; Northeast, 18; South Central, 21; Southeast, 18; and Western, 15. Contract Facilities total 6, and Intergovernmental Agreement Facilities total 4. Additionally, the agency is involved in 28 Community Corrections Management Offices. General Services Administration, Public Buildings ServiceWashington, D.C.(202) 501-1100www.gsa.gov

The General Services Administration’s (GSA) 11 geographic regions acquire office space, equipment, supplies, telecommunications, and information technology in support of federal agencies throughout the 50 states, U.S. territories, and overseas. As the landlord for the federal government, the GSA Public Buildings Service oversees a total inventory of more than 330 million square feet of space in 8,000 owned and leased buildings across the country. Of the agency’s total inventory, approximately 55 percent of the buildings are government owned; the remaining 45 percent are in privately owned, leased facilities. In order to meet these needs for federal clients, the GSA hires and manages private-sector professionals (such as architects, engineers, and contractors) to design, renovate, and construct federal buildings. Federal properties include border stations, courthouses, office buildings, laboratories, and data processing centers. Of its many functions, the GSA: leases space to federal customer agencies; repairs, alters, and renovates existing facilities; operates more than 100 child care centers; disposes of real property for GSA and other federal agencies; practices energy conservation, builds green, and recycles; preserves and maintains more than 400 historic properties in the federal government’s inventory; commissions the country’s most talented artists to create artwork for new federal buildings and conserves a substantial inventory of artwork from the past; delivers comprehensive real estate services via the 11 regional GSA offices; and collects rents from federal tenants, which are deposited into the Federal Buildings Fund, the principal funding mechanism for the GSA. Public Works and Government Services CanadaHull, QC, Canada(800) 622-6232www.pwgsc.gc.caAs the Government of Canada’s major common service organization, it is the job of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to help keep the wheels of government turning as smoothly as possible. As builders and buyers, the PWGSC is an agency of architects, engineers, auditors, interpreters, translators, management consultants, environmental scientists, real estate professionals, and telecommunications specialists – numbering 14,000 employees. The PWGSC organizes itself across five regions: Atlantic, Ontario, Pacific (including the Esquimalt Graving Dock), Quebec, and Western. The common service provider for real property and office accommodation for the Government of Canada is the Real Property Branch, which coordinates the office accommodation needs of approximately 100 federal departments and agencies on a city, regional, or national scale. It provides strategic management of one of Canada’s largest portfolios, which includes: stewardship of $7 billion worth of holdings, including national treasures; 6.7 million square metres of space (51.6 percent of which is owned, 48.4 percent of which is leased); 2,100 leases at a cost of $709.6 million; 254 Government of Canada buildings; and accommodation of about 210,000 public servants and parliamentarians in 1,900 locations across Canada. Regarding its Sustainable Buildings initiatives, the PWGSC’s inventory is now 34-percent more energy efficient and 24-percent more greenhouse gas efficient than it was in 1990 as a result of using industry-developed and approved environmental assessment tools in the design, construction, and management of its buildings. U.S. Postal Service
Washington, D.C.(202) 268-2500www.usps.comThe U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has one of the largest construction programs in the nation. Occupying 35,000 facilities, it constructs between 500 and 700 new facilities annually. The USPS leases 25,987 facilities at a rental cost of $869.7 million. With annual operating revenues of $68.5 billion and 700,000 career employees, the USPS delivers 202 billion pieces of mail each year to approximately 141 million addresses. The USPS operates a transport and delivery fleet of 213,585 vehicles, driving approximately 1.15 billion miles per year. It operates 30,000 alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs), the nation’s largest fleet of AFVs, which use ethanol, compressed natural gas, and electricity. More than $200 million worth of products with recycled content are purchased each year.* Indicates statistics received from company, based on Buildings’ Who’s Who questionnaire. In cases where information was not supplied in response to Buildings’  Who’s Who questionnaire, information was derived from public information: 10K reports, company websites, industry-related reports, Hoover’s Online, and other published and electronic materials.

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