HCA (79)Nashville , TN (615) 344-9551www.hcahealthcare.comHCA is the nation’s leading provider of healthcare services, composed of locally managed facilities in approximately 23 states, England , and Switzerland . At its founding in 1968, the Nashville provider was one of the nation’s first hospital companies and remains true to its commitment “to the care and improvement of human life.” Core to this strategy is to: put patients first; invest in its communities; focus on leading hospitals in core communities; improve local operations through efficient use of resources; and build strong physicians relationships. HCA reports a total portfolio of 79 million square feet of space*. 200 Office Buildings*: 12 million square feet. 170 Healthcare Buildings*: 67 million square feet.Los Angeles Unified School District , Facilities Services (65)Los Angeles , CA (213) 633-7717www.laschools.orgThe Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is currently engaged in the largest building program in its history for its 700,050 students. The primary goal of New Construction is to provide a two-semester, K-12 neighborhood seat for every student in LAUSD. Achieving this goal allows the district to reduce class sizes to agreed-upon limits at all grade levels; provide special education facilities, as mandated; provide pre-kindergarten facilities; and reduce the reliance on portable classrooms. According to the district’s Master Plan 2000, the current dollar volume of capital spending devoted toward the entire facilities program is $14 billion*: $9 billion in new facilities*; $5 billion in existing facilities*. Approximately 5,000 professionals are involved full-time in facilities*. With 120 new schools planned in the program over the next 8 to 10 years, 12 new schools have been completed, as well as 22 expansions, 12 new early education centers, and one environmental equity project*. Additionally, 10,000 modernization projects have been completed and 12,000 more are planned*.Chicago Board of Education (64)
Chicago , IL (773) 553-1000www.cps.k12.il.usChicago Public Schools is the fourth largest school district in the United States , according to statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics. It occupies more than 64 million square feet* of space throughout the city, encompassing 750 total buildings*, including 493 elementary schools, 95 secondary schools, and 14 charter schools, as well as other district facilities (based on figures provided by the district’s operations office and published reports on the school board’s website). The district’s operations office reports a $250-million capital spending budget for facilities in 2004*, and more than $40 million slated for facilities operations*. The district’s total FY2003 operating budget was $3.37 billion. In that same year, the board of education spent $275.4 million on new construction, $129.2 million on renovations, and $28.9 million on ADA major capital renovations, according to website reports. Kaiser Permanente (56.5)
Oakland , CA (510) 217-5800www.kp.orgKaiser Permanente, the nation’s leading integrated health plan, serves 8.2 million members in 9 states and the District of Columbia . It encompasses the not-for-profit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and their subsidiaries, and the for-profit Permanente Medical Groups, as well as an affiliation with Group Health Cooperative based in Seattle . According to the company’s website, Kaiser operates 30 hospitals and 431 medical office buildings in California ; Colorado ; Georgia ; Hawaii ; Maryland ; Ohio ; Oregon ; Virginia ; Washington ; and Washington , D.C. The company reports nearly 56.5 million square feet of occupied space nationwide*. According to company press reports, the company’s 2003 investment in capital and technology was about $1.7 billion. More than $1.2 billion went toward retrofitting and construction of new hospitals and medical office buildings, representing nearly a $400 million increase over the prior year. As of March, in California alone, 4 new hospitals are under construction and 7 are planned to begin construction in the next year. Health Care Property Investors Inc. (34.2)Long Beach , CA (888) 604-1990 or (562) 733-5100www.hcpi.comHealth Care Property Investors Inc. (HCPI) is a publicly traded, self-administered real estate investment trust (REIT). It invests in healthcare-related real estate located throughout the United States , including hospitals, long-term care facilities, assisted and retirement living facilities, medical office buildings, and other healthcare facilities. According to HCPI’s website, the company operates 34.2 million square feet, which encompasses 544 buildings in 44 states, including those invested through joint ventures. Facility breakdown includes 31 hospitals; 173 long-term-care facilities; 124 assisted- and retirement-living facilities; 196 medical office buildings; and 30 other healthcare facilities, including healthcare laboratory and biotech research facilities and physician group practice clinic facilities. Total investment in properties as of Dec. 31, 2003, including investments through joint ventures and mortgage loans, was approximately $3.4 billion. The School Board of Broward County (FL) (31.5)
Ft. Lauderdale , FL www.browardschools.comStatistics provided by the school district list total square footage at 31.54 million*, including outside walkways. Square footage for permanent buildings is 27 million square feet and includes a total of 2,025 schools, office buildings, and industrial buildings district-wide*. The district’s total capital plan for 2004-05 is nearly $600.58 million*. The facilities-related budget includes $150.36 million for capacity additions; $97.51 million for remodeling and renovation; $30.14 million for capital improvements; $21.94 million for health, safety, and sanitation; $16.84 million for technology; $14 million for land; $8.4 million for indoor air quality; and $4.75 million for ADA compliance*. The Educational Facilities Plan for FY2004-08 includes funding for 18 new schools, three centers, and 46 classroom addition projects. Funding for 18 replacement schools is included in this plan to restore older facilities. Other funding includes 50 remodeling and renovation projects; 64 walkway, playground, parking, and miscellaneous projects; 28 kitchen and cafeteria projects; and 8 media centers. Tenet Healthcare Corp. (27.1)Santa Barbara , CA (805) 563-7000www.tenethealth.comTenet Healthcare, through its subsidiaries in 14 states, owns and operates 97 acute-care hospitals with 24,425 beds and numerous related healthcare services. It is the nation’s second-largest investor-owned hospital company. In fiscal 2002, Tenet hospitals reported 1 million admissions and 9.3 million outpatient visits. Nearly two-thirds of the company’s hospitals are located in markets or counties where Tenet holds either the No. 1 or strong No. 2 position. The company reports a total of approximately 27.1 million total square feet of space*. Dollar volume spending in 2004 on facilities-related capital projects is estimated to be about $350 million and will cover 676,000 square feet of new construction and 245,000 square feet of modernization projects, according to the company*. Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools (23.8)Fairfax , VA(703) 246-2991www.fcps.eduThis large county school district ranks 12th nationally by enrollment, with a projected 166,275 students attending during 2004-05; 14 percent of all students in the state. Reports on the district’s website list total square footage at 23.8 million with 230 total buildings district-wide. The district’s schools and other buildings have a combined present value in excess of $4.5 billion. In November 2003, the district passed a $290.6-million bond issue: Thirty-nine percent of the funding goes toward new schools, 51 percent to school renovations, and 10 percent for infrastructure management. Upgraded technology will be installed in new and renovated schools. Some of these projects will be included in the district’s FY2005-09 Capital Improvement Plan, which covers $651.6 million in new schools, renovations, and additions over 5 years. Currently $172.2 million are unfunded. Michigan State University (21.9)East Lansing , MI (517) 355-1855www.msu.eduAccording to the Michigan State University Physical Plant Division 2004 Building Data Book, the university owns and maintains more than 21.9 million square feet of space (676 buildings) on the Main East Lansing Campus*. Academic (including research and laboratory) Buildings: 11.9 million square feet. Residence Halls and Multi-Family (student) Housing: 7 million square feet*. All Other Buildings (including stadium, farms, parking, chapel, etc.): 3 million square feet*.School District of Palm Beach County (FL) (20.3)
West Palm Beach , FL (561) 434-8000www.palmbeach.k12.fl.usEducational Buildings: 14.96 million square feet. Other Commercial Buildings: 5.34 million. With a current enrollment of more than 167,600 K-12 students, the district is now the 11th largest school district in the United States based upon enrollment. Enrollment projections for the 2004-05 school year are at 173,190. The district has 102 elementary schools, 31 middle schools, 22 high schools, and 9 alternative schools. Approximately one-fifth of the district’s capital funds are dedicated to new building capacity to relieve crowded schools. The Summary of Capital Improvement Program for FY2004-08 reports a budgeted $154.47 million in new construction and $770.61 million in modernizations, additions, and replacements. In 2003, the district opened four new schools and completed work on six modernizations, adding nearly 6,700 additional student seats. Over the new 5-year planning period, the district expects to increase capacity by 17 percent or another 27,520 permanent seats. The Pennsylvania State University (19.6)University Park , PA (814) 865-4700www.psu.eduThe entire Penn State educational system consists of 19.58 million square feet (1,105 buildings) at its 24 campus locations across the state. Approximately 14.65 million square feet (740 buildings) make up the University Park main campus. Penn State owns a total of 18,571.4 acres of land. It leases 1.14 million square feet of space to Penn State tenants and an additional 261,748 square feet to non-Penn State tenants. In 2001, the university unveiled a $769 million capital plan for campus construction and improvement projects through the 2005-06 fiscal year and beyond. The university’s Office of Physical Plant employs 900 employees and handles 48,000 work assignments each year, carrying out work 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year. Prince George County (MD) Public School District (18)Upper Marlboro, MD(301) 952-6500www.pgcps.orgThe school district maintains approximately 18 million square feet of facilities through the efforts of approximately 311 employees in the maintenance department, which is part of the Supporting Services Division. The staff includes the Director of Maintenance, four facilities coordinators, and a maintenance supervisor. The department processes nearly 40,000 work orders each year. During the 2002-03 school year, the district completed more than 15 capital improvement projects and started eight new ones. In May, it broke ground on a new $91.9-million, 432,579-square-foot regional high school with 54 classrooms and a 2-story media center. The University of Texas at Austin (15.4)Austin , TX (512) 475-7348www.utexas.eduThe university’s website lists 15.4 million gross square feet in buildings located on the main research and teaching campus, two remote research campuses, and several other specialized sites. The main campus covers about 423.5 acres. The J. J. Pickle Research campus is on a 476-acre tract 8 miles north of the main campus and houses research organizations in engineering, science, and social sciences. The university also has the Brackenridge tract, 445 acres of life sciences research land, and 94 acres in Southeast Austin at the Montopolis Research Center . The university also owns the Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas, the Winedale Historical Center near Round Top, the Bee Cave Research Center west of Austin , and J. Frank Dobie’s ranch in Paisano, all of which are maintained by the Physical Plant and its 1,068 employees. Between Summer 2000 and Fall 2003, the university completed 13 construction and renovation projects. Cobb County (GA) School District (13.3)Marietta , GA (770) 426-3300www.cobbk12.orgThe Cobb County School District is the second largest in Georgia and in the top 30 largest in the United States . The student population of more than 102,000 grows by about 2,500 each year. The Facility Maintenance Department maintains 13.27 million square feet of floorspace (121 buildings, including 106 schools) and 2,803 acres of land. The district’s FY2002-03 budget appropriated $61,736 to capital projects. In 1998, Cobb County voters approved a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), a 1-penny education sales tax that addresses the growth and construction needs of the school district. Through 2002, about 90 percent of the 1,239 construction and renovation projects, as well as technology and security upgrades, funded by SPLOST were completed. In September 2003, county voters approved SPLOST II, the second phase of the tax. As of June 30, 2004, seven new schools and 10 major additions, along with maintenance projects, are under way. The entire funding from SPLOST II, of which are estimated receipts of $637 million over five years, paves the way for nine new schools total, as well as renovation and addition projects through 2012. Iowa State University (6.5+)Ames , IA (515) 294-8079www.fpm.iastate.eduIowa State University ’s (ISU) nearly 2,000-acre, park-like campus includes more than 160 buildings, many of which are included on the National Register of Historic Places. Located in Ames , IA , which has been ranked as the second most livable small city in the nation by the New Rating Guide to Life in America ’s Small Cities, ISU includes nine colleges, one school, 55 academic departments, and five extension areas. Fall 2003 enrollment was at 27,380 undergraduate, 1st professional, and graduate students. The university’s Facilities Planning & Management department has undertaken an aggressive plan for energy conservation on campus buildings. According to the website, the majority of classroom and general service buildings on campus – not including residence buildings and auditorium/performance centers – totals more than 6.53 million square feet of space.* Indicates statistics received from company, based on Buildings’ Who’s Who questionnaire. In cases where information was not supplied in response to Buildings’ Who’s Who questionnaire, information was derived from public information: 10K reports, company websites, industry-related reports, Hoover’s Online, and other published and electronic materials.
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