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Wellness: Future of Building Design & Operations eHandbook

July 26, 2021

A focus on wellness was already emerging in commercial buildings even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. A 2017 report by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) noted that nearly half of employers said health and productivity programs were an essential component of their company strategy, while 91% of employers said they offered health and wellness programs for reasons beyond medical cost savings.

The physical workplace was also one of the top three factors affecting job performance and satisfaction, according to the IWBI report, which cited a study in which 90% of employees surveyed said their attitude toward work is negatively affected by the quality of their work environment.

It’s time for wellness to take center stage in commercial buildings. This eHandbook gathers tips and strategies from leading design professionals and building owners on how to make sure your building is fostering wellness.

Included in the eHandbook:

  • PART 1: The Case for Buildings That Support Wellness

  • PART 2: Elements of Healthy Spaces

  • PART 3: Strategies for Incorporating Wellness

  • PART 4: Recommended Reading

  • PART 5: Products That Help

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