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Reno, NV, is joining 45 other municipalities by launching a city-wide effort as part of the Better Buildings Challenge. Dubbed Reenergize Reno, the initiative is intended to increase the energy and water efficiency of participating buildings 20% by 2025.
Reenergize Reno is seeking businesses, educational institutions, building owners and multifamily developers willing to participate in the program, which requires annual benchmarking to confirm the savings. The city is also enrolling 38 municipal buildings in the program, noting that “this effort will reduce utility bills and maintenance costs, freeing up funds for other city priorities,” according to a statement.
All participants must select at least one showcase building to participate and track both energy and water consumption with ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager tool. Performance data is kept confidential by the city, though participants are encouraged to share cost-effective solutions to serve as examples for others to follow.
“Investments in cost-effective building efficiency strategies will stimulate innovation, bolster our economy, promote a healthy environment and create highly skilled jobs within the community,” city officials say. “Utilities represent 29% of the average company’s operating budget. Fortunately, we have the technology to make our buildings vastly more efficient.”