DOE’s Energy Management Awardees Show Green Light For Sustainability
Nov. 8, 2017
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The U.S. Department of Energy recognized 27 winners across the federal government this week with the 2017 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. These annual awards are presented to recognize outstanding achievements in energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and fleet management from within the federal government, honoring federal employees for their efforts to cut energy waste and advance America’s progress toward energy independence, resiliency, and security, while advancing their agencies’ mission-related goals.
According to DOE, many of the winners utilized performance contracts, which allow agencies to make facility improvements with no added cost to the taxpayer and are critical to achieving America’s energy savings goals. Four additional winners were recognized specifically for their innovative efforts to overcome barriers and implement advanced solutions toward awarding performance contracts, and one team is being recognized for a project that led to significant improvements in a data center’s energy and operational efficiency.
For a complete profile of this year’s winners and to find out more about their specific energy- and water-saving initiatives, visit the FEMP Web site.