More than half the respondents to a recent survey rate K-12 school buildings in the U.S. as poor or fair at best, while a staggering 90% say educational facilities should be improved.
The nationwide survey, which examined attitudes toward U.S. public school buildings and investments to modernize their infrastructure, also revealed that more than half of respondents believe the U.S. does not spend enough money on either buildings or infrastructure. Roughly 49% of respondents added that they would donate to a green schools cause and 43% offered to volunteer time to green local schools.
“Every day, 25% of Americans go to school as students, faculty, staff, and administrators,” says John Mandyck, chief sustainability officer for United Technologies Corp. Building & Industrial Systems, a co-sponsor with USGBC of the survey. “Green schools improve learning, health, and productivity while lowering operating costs. This is a measurable opportunity to improve day-to-day life.”
Bringing every school in the country into compliance with existing law will cost roughly $271 billion, according to the USGBC’s Center for Green Schools. To go beyond what’s required and meet current education, safety, and health standards, the estimate grows to $542 billion.
How would you rank U.S. school infrastructure? Email Janelle Penny to sound off.