Hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the U.S. are making progress toward the ultimate goal of eliminating healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), though more gains will be needed to meet the Department of Health and Human Services’ targets for December 2020, according to new CDC data.
The National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections Progress Report shows reductions in almost all types of infections for 2014 when compared to baseline information, with significant progress made at reducing hospital-onset C. difficile and MRSA bacteremia. The CDC cautions, however, that continued prevention efforts are vital to safeguarding patient health – findings show that 1 in 25 patients in the U.S. acquires an HAI from their hospital stay. The report says that to continue the progress toward HAI elimination, healthcare facilities and workers can maintain awareness of the threat and continue to follow operational best practices to ensure proper disinfection.
Looking for more ways to keep patients safe in your facility? These strategies can help you include vendors in the HAI-prevention process.