At the 2010 Greenbuild Conference General Powell will bring a strong message as the opening keynote speaker, as LEED Platinum affordable housing has been built in his name. The General Colin. L Powell Apartments in South Bronx N.Y. is a 50-unit multifamily endeavor that resulted from a partnership between Habitat for Humanity-New York and Blue Sea Development. General Powell participated in the LEED certification ceremony.
A retired four-star general, Powell has served in numerous prestigious positions including National Security Advisor under President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State under President George W. Bush. General Powell has also committed time and energy to improving the lives of young Americans, as the founding Chairman of America’s Promise Alliance.
In addition to General Powell’s keynote, Greenbuild 2010 will feature an array of speakers and more than 100 education sessions inside the world’s largest exhibit hall devoted to green building, with over 900 exhibiting companies and 1,800 booths featuring the latest developments in green technology, sustainability, and innovation.