Why A Kansas City-Based Facility Manager Turned To a Preventative Maintenance Schedule For Their Job Management Needs
Aug. 3, 2016
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When was the last time you checked and updated your maintenance schedules? It’s a task that’s often latent on your weekly checklist of items, and with your responsibilities only growing in quantity, they can easily be pushed to the side. Sometimes you may even push responsibilities into the hands of other team members, hoping they can make room in their schedules. When working in facility management, it’s easy to get stretched too thin when overseeing an entire site—even with the help of an added facility staff.
We recently spoke to a Facility Manager located in Kansas City that recited a similar story of having too much to get done, and not enough hands for the job.
“When I have an entire site to manage, it’s easy to delegate tasks out to members of my team. Then twenty minutes later, I find myself in need of an additional person to work on our landscaping efforts. In my opinion, running a successful project is all about exceptional time and resource management.”
Every Facility Manager wishes to create a working environment where goals are transparent and readily obtainable. For most, the challenge derives from projects that require a consistent flow of supervision, with the difficulty being: there has to be a reliable method for tacking and recording actionable items. Keeping records handy on digital spreadsheets can be used as a starting point for tracking your maintenance efforts, but given the difficulties technology presents in regards to accessibility, they fail to serve as an accurate form of visual tracking.
That’s why many facility managers are turning towards the likes of dry erase preventative maintenance schedules; they act as a passive means of visual communication, while simultaneously serving as a focal point for your entire department.
“They’re [schedules] much easier to use than our old spreadsheet because everyone has access to it; it’s not one of those things that you can just close and forget about. Now everyone can see our maintenance schedule and what's coming up, and it's much easier to keep track of what everyone is doing. I like to hold our daily meetings in front of the board, just so everyone can start their day having a concrete idea of what needs to be done by days end. We’re always updating job status on the board; in the case that someone walks past it, we hope that it will encourage them to be in the know about specific jobs and update their progress as necessary.”
For the past 30 years, Magnatag has been the go-to resource for dry erase preventative maintenance schedules. With years of manufacturing expertise under our belts, we know what works when it comes to the ins and outs of motivational tracking. Packaged with color-coded magnets and magnetic card inserts, the Preventative Maintenance Tracker gives you the ability to visualize actionable items at a glance, providing your team with a scheduling tool that is
“It's great to have the entire years maintenance schedule up for everyone to see. We use the red and green flip over magnets on the board in order to indicate when a job needs to be done or whether it has been completed. The cards will give us a record of who has completed that task. We have a lot of big equipment that needs to be maintained on a regular basis. This board provides us with a quick and simple way to track what needs to be done and when to it. It serves as an excellent reminder to keeps our guys on top of things and gives everyone the information they need to keep things running smoothly.”