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3 Essential Elements of Next Generation Building Management Systems

May 26, 2021
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Looking for a new kind of BMS? Building owners, facility managers, and system integrators face increasing pressure to save more energy, reduce costs, and maintain availability all while enhancing occupant experience and well-being. Achieving these varying objectives is best solved by a new type of BMS available today that goes well beyond HVAC controls.

These modern next-generation BMSs benefit stakeholders by being a more open integration platform that uses IoT, cloud computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence technologies to get more out of your available resources and connected systems. In this paper we explain factors driving evolution of BMSs and describe three essential elements necessary for solving management challenges of today and tomorrow. We will also explain how these elements put you on the right path to benefit from future emerging digital technologies

Learn about the next generation of BMSs in this white paper.