Sometimes you fall down a rabbit hole on the Internet. You know exactly what I mean. One minute you're confirming the date of the first mercury-vapor lamp patent approval involving Peter Cooper Hewitt, then an hour later you find yourself reading an article about New Year's resolutions (shh, don't tell my boss.😉). But that article got my sugary-holiday-treat-encrusted brain sputtering: What if there's a different way of looking at and expressing our New Year's resolutions — say, rather than personal relationship or lifestyle changes or habits, what if we set an intention for something we want to address, improve, or achieve in our work lives, our business, our industry and markets as a whole? Let's talk about it. I'll go first and rip off the Band-Aid.
One of 2020's many challenges was that, as for the whole world, the pandemic curbed my ability to travel out and meet with industry representatives face to face. What many of you don't know is that I am a very anxious traveler. I haven't enjoyed the preparation and the journey, and it takes me a day or two to settle into unfamiliar territory. But I'm a detailer, a planner. So I have had to work on my expectations and flexibility in travel plans, to find a balance zone in the hectic mind and physical space of a trip. I expected to do more — practice, right? — in 2020, but obviously the pandemic has not allowed for safe travel to events and meetings. So my "practice" has fallen off in the physical excursion sense and I've not achieved my "peak traveler performance," if you will, as I had intended (travel budgets willing, anyway). In 2021, I want to take the opportunity to participate more in industry events in whatever form they are offered and make more of an effort to interact more proactively, even in online events — whether that is asking a question, offering an observation or comment, or asking for a few insights from a speaker, etc. I recognize time and resources limitations won't allow me to attend every event that is relevant whether it's virtual or not. But I want to do a better job of being present and active for them.
Now that I have unflinchingly bared my introvert's soul to you, what kind of business-related resolutions do you have this year? Are you looking to become more involved in public speaking? Joining an association or committee? Getting creative with your business plan and how to expand your client base? Adding to your skillset? Anything above and beyond this, feel free to share with us. You can e-mail me, comment below, or give a short rundown on Twitter, on our Facebook page, or on our LinkedIn Company Page where I'll post this question with a link back to this blog. Have a pleasant New Year. Be safe. I wish you health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021.