UPDATE: LightSPEC Design Excellence Awards Call for Entries closes July 25
In case you haven't heard, the LightSPEC events team has introduced the LightSPEC Design Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Lighting Controls Association. As a premier media partner, LEDs Magazine will cover the Design Excellence Award winners in a featured article, with additional exposure in partnership with other Endeavor Business Media brands. We've just extended the entry deadline to Monday, July 25, so finalize your submissions ASAP!
→ Start or continue your entry
What are the submission criteria?
Honorees will have made inroads into integrating quality solid-state lighting with carefully considered controls schemes, exemplifying their combined benefits.
The awards program will recognize projects that exemplify lighting design excellence and leverage innovation in controls by:
- significantly increasing energy efficiency
- simplifying end-user system management
- providing actionable data for improving operations and occupant health and comfort
Design Excellence Awards categories include:
- Indoor lighting
- Outdoor lighting
- Whole project (interior and exterior)
- Campus/complex (multi-building sites)
- Exhibition or entertainment/cultural installations
Projects must have been completed between Jan. 1, 2019 and the present day.
Judges will consider entries based on some combination of the following:
- Complexity of design objectives and innovation of specified solutions
- Functional needs, such as zoning, dimming, daylight management, white/color tuning, data collection/analysis capabilities
- Environmental goals, standards, code requirements, and/or certifications achieved
- Delivering accessible and optimal illumination in underserved areas/spaces (as relevant, mainly outdoors)
- Integration of lighting control and other building systems as relevant
- Visual support, community enhancement, safety, entertainment value, environmental responsibility as relevant (more intangible factors)
→ Start or continue your entry
How will projects be honored?
Awards will be presented during the Opening Session at the inaugural LightSPEC West conference and exhibition scheduled for September 21–22, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. LEDs Magazine and other Endeavor Business Media brands will publicize the winning projects on websites, in newsletters, and/or on social media channels. Winners will receive a physical trophy and be provided with an awards logo to leverage their recognition.
Why should I enter?
Recognized projects will receive repeated, positive exposure in the LED and lighting markets. Being an honoree is validation of your services and expertise from respected authorities in the LED and SSL industry.
What is the cost to enter — and what do I need to do?
Through July 25 [EXTENDED DEADLINE] at 11:00 PM Eastern Time, the Standard rate of $395 applies.
Start your entry on the Design Excellence Awards portal and include these materials:
- High-resolution images, lighting or controls diagrams, and/or reflected ceiling plans (5 max; JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF accepted)
- Project stakeholder information: Client, architectural and/or lighting designer, lighting control designers, engineers, and photographers, as relevant
- Video links if available
- End-user/integrator testimonials if available (may be anonymous)
Having any trouble with your entry? Please email me and our team will assist you.
CARRIE MEADOWS is managing editor of LEDs Magazine, with 20 years’ experience in business-to-business publishing across technology markets including solid-state technology manufacturing, fiberoptic communications, machine vision, lasers and photonics, and LEDs and lighting.
*Updated July 18, 2022 with extended deadline and entry pricing information.
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