San Francisco requests proposals for LED luminaires and control system
Oct. 12, 2010
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The City and County Of San Francisco has issued a Request for Proposals for "LED Luminaires with Wireless Monitoring and Control System." The bid due date is October 22, 2010.
The City owns and maintains approximately 18,500 cobra-head type high-pressure sodium (HPS) street-light luminaires, located throughout the City’s forty-nine square miles. The existing HPS luminaires will be replaced with dimmable LED street-light luminaires and an integrated wireless communication monitoring and control system.
The City is seeking formal proposals to provide the City with a complete solution which will meet or exceed the minimum specifications and requirements, as stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents.
For example, the technical specifications state that the LED luminaires need to be rated for a minimum operational life of 70,000 hours at an average operating time of 11 hours per night, equating to more than 17 years of service, over which time the illuminance must not decrease by more than 30 percent. The driver needs to have a rated "useful" lifetime of no less than 100,000 hours. The LED luminaire housing and finish should have a warranty of 10 years.
The LED luminaires are required to have 0-10V dimming capabilities and a power factor of 90% or greater at full load. The efficacy requirements are a minimum of 57 lm/W or better. The designed maximum junction temperature shall not exceed 105 °C.
The City's purpose in instigating this project is to reduce energy costs by using more energy-efficient LED luminaires, to reduce labor costs incurred in maintaining and operating the City’s streetlights, and to more efficiently and effectively maintain streetlights for end users, the citizens and visitors of San Francisco through the wireless monitoring and control system.
As well as providing dimmable LED luminaires with wireless monitoring and control devices, proposers will be responsible for designing the integrated wireless monitoring and control system, and providing testing, lighting analysis, training, and web-portal customization to insure that the system works. The City will install the luminaires and control devices via a separate contract.
The City anticipates that the contract resulting from this RFP shall have an initial term of 2 years, from December 1, 2010 through November 30, 2012, although it could be extended by up to 3 years. The City anticipates entering into a separate agreement with the selected Proposer for wireless monitoring and control system software licensing and monitoring for a minimum of 5 years with three 1-year options to extend by mutual agreement.