Don’t hit the snooze button — Submit your Strategies in Light proposals
Insert shameless plug here. I’m kidding, of course — but hope I have drawn your attention to the upcoming deadline for Strategies in Light presentation proposals. This coming Wednesday is the last day to submit your abstract for an insightful, compelling presentation to be considered by the conference advisory board, which will gather in late June to fine-tune the program.
Who can participate in the Strategies in Light program?
We’re looking for folks from all across the LED and solid-state lighting (SSL) supply chain, from engineers and product developers to researchers, business leaders, and members of industry organizations that support the LED and lighting markets.
What kinds of topics are we looking for?
Always a key question. You can skim over our list of conference topics for an outline of what we consider to be relevant. While this list might appear long, look more closely and you will see that there is plenty of room for creative interpretation and offering your unique spin on the concepts here, from the latest developments in enabling technologies to connectivity and controls methods, advances in the knowledge base applied to horticultural SSL and lighting for health and wellbeing, and much more.
When do materials need to be in?
June 5 is the deadline for abstracts.
Where do materials need to be submitted?
Our conference team is ready to receive your 150-word abstract and speaker contact details at the Strategies in Light submission portal. Don’t be intimidated. The word count is a guideline. We’ve also updated the submission guidelines page with step-by-step instructions on submitting your abstract. You’ll receive a confirmation e-mail when your abstract is completed in the online system, and notifications of accepted proposals will begin after the board meeting, in early July.
Why should you submit an abstract?
As the LEDs Magazine staff has noted from time to time in our editorial content, sharing your knowledge, experience, and even unresolved concerns on timely topics with your peers will enable the LED and SSL industry to draw new paths on its roadmap to a connected, energy-conscious, sustainable future for all stakeholders.