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Secure your knowledge of smart buildings

Oct. 26, 2018
In a couple of weeks, we’ll have a chance to gather intelligence from Arm's head of IoT solutions Aniruddha Deodhar once again on the topic of smart buildings and security.

During the summer, we had the opportunity to hold a webcast with Internet of Things (IoT) electronics development expert Aniruddha Deodhar of Arm Ltd., who addressed the concerns that many involved in the upper layers of the connected lighting space have expressed regarding security. Deodhar presented some guiding principles on smart lighting system integrity, explaining and untangling the complexities of connectivity, interoperability, and end-to-end security. You can still access that IoT webcast on demand in our archive.

Back in July, I wrote that Deodhar’s central point — and Arm’s, really — was that in order to unlock the potential of the smart building application, it must be built on a secure foundation, from the base electronics up through the programming systems and data management layers. A weakness in any one chip or device on the building network can be exploited. Does that make you nervous? That’s perfectly understandable. But it doesn’t have to be daunting. You’ve got knowledgeable experts at your back.

In a couple of weeks, we’ll have a chance to gather intelligence from Deodhar once again on the topic of smart buildings and security. What’s different this time, you may ask? The shift is from a “considerations” focus — how all the parts of a smart building IoT system work and what is needed to ensure a secure configuration — to “Now HOW am I going to build this security into my system and application?” That’s where the title “Building a secure smart lighting system in 4 steps” comes in, my friends. Steps to be explored in detail include:

  • Starting with creating devices with the right operating system (OS), security credentials, connectivity agent, and a boot loader
  • Connecting the devices to the cloud through your selected protocol
  • Managing networked devices over their lifetime
  • Last, ingesting orchestrating, and transforming device data

These four steps will enable developers and installers to deliver secure smart lighting systems that will manage the data and provide actionable insights, in a way that can reduce time to value. Deodhar also plans a live demonstration that outlines the steps using readily available modules and software, which should bring all the concepts together in a much less intimidating way…bridging the gaps between attendees’ hardware, programming, and system configuration knowledge and how the lighting works into these scenarios. Register for the Nov. 13 webcast and expand your security smarts.

About the Author

Carrie Meadows | Editor-in-Chief, LEDs Magazine

Carrie Meadows has more than 20 years of experience in the publishing and media industry. She worked with the PennWell Technology Group for more than 17 years, having been part of the editorial staff at Solid State Technology, Microlithography World, Lightwave, Portable Design, CleanRooms, Laser Focus World, and Vision Systems Design before the group was acquired by current parent company Endeavor Business Media.

Meadows has received finalist recognition for LEDs Magazine in the FOLIO Eddie Awards, and has volunteered as a judge on several B2B editorial awards committees. She received a BA in English literature from Saint Anselm College, and earned thesis honors in the college's Geisel Library. Without the patience to sit down and write a book of her own, she has gladly undertaken the role of editor for the writings of friends and family.

Meadows enjoys living in the beautiful but sometimes unpredictable four seasons of the New England region, volunteering with an animal shelter, reading (of course), and walking with friends and extended "dog family" in her spare time.

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