With the rising amount of used materials in landfills and an increased focus on sustainability, ASTM International has proposed a new standard to improve the recycling and repurposing of roof covers. ASTM WK46625, Guide for Establishing a Recycle Program for Roof Covers, will provide guidance for recycling any type of roof or waterproofing cover and an opportunity for companies to develop their own program that will reduce the amount of roofing materials being thrown away.
Once approved, the new standard will also suggest best practices to help guide the reuse of discarded roof and waterproofing covers, such as the construction of new covers, other roofing components, or even products for an entirely different use. ASTM hopes that the new standard will help building owners promote the sustainable practices they've implemented to their occupants while improving the diversion rates of used roofing products.
Wondering if your roofing operations could use a sustainability injection? Take a look at Roof Recycling Options to learn the choices and find the right one for your facility.