The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) — an independent, non-governmental organization and developer of international voluntary consensus standards — recently published its third facilities management (FM) standard in under half a year.
The prior FM standards released by ISO in April 2017 include ISO 41011:2017, Facility Management — Vocabulary and ISO 41012:2017, Facility Management — Guidance on Strategic Sourcing and the Development of Agreements.
The third FM standard: ISO/TR 41013:2017, Facility Management — Scope, Key Concepts and Benefits strategizes FM as a global force.
The advantages of unifying globally within the FM industry of the highest priority for IFMA, which, thanks to its global footprint and the landmark IFMA-RICS collaboration launched in 2016, is uniquely positioned to support such a goal, according to the group.
“A unified FM industry is a goal worth investing a lot of time and energy,” says Jay Drew, a co-convenor of Working Group 1. “Not only do ISO standards make individual FM professionals and their organizations more effective and efficient, but they can improve the outcomes for end users in terms of safety, security and productivity.”
Not concluded with FM standards in 2017 yet, ISO Technical Committee 267 for Facility Management is continuing its work on the ISO 41000 series of FM standards and is currently developing a management systems standard with guidance notes.
The new FM standard as well as the previous two are available for purchase on the ISO Web site, as is a preview of the new one. To view the new standard, click here.