The GridWeek Leadership Awards program has selected five winners. These winners will be presented with awards at GridWeek 2011, Sept 13-15 in Washington D.C. The awards in each category are as follows:
Outstanding Leadership -- Adrian Tuck, CEO of Tendril, for his global efforts to accelerate Smart Grid deployments, including his drive to develop strategic partnerships across the worldwide energy ecosystem; for his persistent advocacy work at the federal and state commission level; for his vision to help create an open, secure, standards-based Smart Grid architecture; and for his diligent, pioneering efforts to connect consumers to the Smart Grid;
Looking Forward -- Roger Duncan, former General Manager of Austin Energy, for his work advancing electric vehicle uptake and for his efforts in initiating an advocacy campaign to demonstrate a market for plug-in hybrid vehicles;
Strategic Solutions -- Duke Energy for implementing its strategic vision of a connected, end-to-end digital grid that gives customers choice and control, while creating a more sustainable future through renewable energy, efficiency programs and consumer initiatives;
Deployment Learnings -- Alabama Power for diligent efforts to share key best practices from its leading Smart Grid deployment -- focused on enhanced outage management, advanced metering infrastructure and improved situational awareness to increase grid reliability, especially in a storm event;
Policy Advancement -- Paul Centolella, Commissioner of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio, for his commitment to Smart Grid and consumer advocacy; his active membership in NARUC and the SGIP Governing Board; and his tireless and thoughtful efforts to advance applications and standards efforts aligned with a holistic Smart Grid vision.
The selection committee for the 2011 GridWeek Leadership Awards was made up of representatives from GridWeek's 14 major partner organizations, which represent a cross-section of the Smart Grid industry.
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