The USGBC has announced LEED Automation, a new program designed to streamline the LEED building certification process. LEED Automation utilizes LEED Online, an online tool used to submit and certify LEED projects.
The USGBC has announced LEED Automation, a new program designed to streamline the LEED building certification process. LEED Automation utilizes LEED Online, an online tool used to submit and certify LEED projects.
“LEED Automation takes the green building process to a new level,” says Chris Smith, Chief Operating Officer, USGBC. “We recognized several years ago that we cannot focus only on the evolution of LEED and its continuous improvement. The technology used to administer the LEED certification process is also evolving to increase customers’ business agility through improved data, information, and content integration.”
LEED Automation performs three key functions:
• Provide automation of various LEED
documentation processes
• Deliver customers a unified view of their LEED projects
• Standardize LEED content and distribute it consistently across multiple technology platforms
LEED Automation seeks to provide a much more intuitive LEED documentation and certification process.