Oregon Convention Center Succeeds with Green Practices
July 16, 2008
The OCC embraces sustainability in its own facility
Nearly 30 sustainability-focused tradeshows and events will come to the Oregon Convention Center (OCC) in Portland, OR, between now and 2010, thanks in part to the OCC's efforts to embrace sustainability in its own facility.
The events (some of which include groups such as the National Recycling Coalition, the National Environmental Education Assocation, and the Urban Land Institute) represent more than $4 million in direct revenue for the facility. The events will also generate approximately $62.3 million for Portland.
In 2004, the OCC became the first convention center in the country to achieve LEED-EB certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, earning Gold status. Last year, the facility also earned Salmon Safe® certification, having to do with its water use and stormwater management. The OCC intends to add a full-time sustainability coordinator this summer to ensure that the facility stays on the cutting edge of the green movement.