Poll Confirms that Environmentally Friendly Offices are Appreciated by U.S. Workers
Aug. 3, 2006
Findings from Mortgage Lenders Network USA survey provide proof
Great healthcare benefits, adequate vacation time, and a commitment to employee professional development: these characteristics are top of mind when answering the age-old question about what individuals want from an employer. What might surprise you is the number of employees who prefer working in environmentally friendly (or green) buildings. In a July 25, 2005 PRNewswire article titled “Americans Seek Energy-Conscious Employers,” data from a poll conducted by Middleton, CT-based Mortgage Lenders Network USA (MLN) was reported. MLN findings include the following:
Ninety-four (94) percent of Americans prefer working in a building that is energy efficient and ecologically sound.
Seventy-two (72) percent of women polled reported preferences for green employers, whereas 64 percent of men revealed similar feelings.
Americans age 45-54 preferred working in a green building (74 percent) more than their peers ages 25-34 (62 percent).