Beachwood, OH (February 10, 2004) – Tremco’s Roofing and Building Maintenance Division has taken the next step in its long commitment to the Federal Government and America’s small businesses by becoming a mentor in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Mentor-Protégé Program. The program encourages large firms such as Tremco to help businesses that the agency classifies as Small Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses, Minority Educational Institutions, Women-Owned Small Businesses, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities improve their ability to perform FAA prime contracts and subcontracts. An additional goal of the program is to increase the number of small businesses that receive these awards. Businesses become mentors only after a rigorous review of their plans and capabilities for identifying, selecting, and assisting protégés capable of supporting the FAA’s mission and goals. "We are thrilled to be accepted into the Mentor-Protégé Program," said Beverly Kuykendall, small business program manager for Tremco’s Federal Government Program. "This recognizes the extensive training and work that Tremco has done so far with small businesses in providing roofing management, building envelope, and construction services expertise to Federal agencies. While we already have long-term relationships with a number of small businesses, this allows us to move forward in helping even more of them burnish their technical skills so they can be eligible for applicable FAA and other Federal contracts." Tremco is the only roofing products and services company, and the first company headquartered in Headquartered in
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