Constantly doing more with less while maintaining the goals of a wide range of stakeholders and keeping building occupants happy and healthy is a familiar refrain for any FM. In honor of World FM Day today, Staples Advantage, the business-to-business division of Staples, Inc., offers five steps you can share with occupants and coworkers to make every day a little easier.
Could your facility benefit from one of these simple initiatives?
- Promote sustainability: Remind occupants to turn off lights when leaving a conference room or office, order sustainable breakroom products (cups, utensils, paper towels, etc.), and use green cleaning products for their offices to help reduce the building's environmental impact.
- Promote building safety: Ensure your building occupants are familiar with your building’s safety plan by working with office leads. Because you've already gone through the efforts of implementing a safety plan, it’s important to have office leads and managers continue to remind their employees of this plan on a regular basis. This will help advance building safety by ensuring the entire facility meets or exceeds regulations.
- Keep your occupants healthy: Remind your occupants and staff to use hand sanitizer, practice correct hand washing, clean their desks regularly, and implement healthy practices to avoid the spread of germs. Occupants and staff will stay healthier and will keep your building running smoothly.
- Help your occupants be more productive: While ergonomics might not be part of all of your occupants' individual budgets, it's important to remind those in charge of office orders of how ergonomics can improve their productivity and comfort. Additionally, encourage staff and occupants to take breaks throughout the workday – it will refresh employees and enable them to be more productive throughout the day.
- Reduce costs: Talk to your current suppliers – can they consolidate your orders? Are there more cost-effective products or systems you could be ordering instead? Your supplier is there for a reason – your main account contact should be able to help you come up with the most cost-effective solutions.
Got a time- or money-saving solution you'd like to share with BUILDINGS? Let us know below.