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Space-Age Sustainability

May 3, 2010

A “very conventional, so-last-century building” is how Steve Zornetzer, associate center director at NASA Ames, described initial designs for the new research center in Moffett Field, CA. Earlier, the Ames center had won NASA’s Renovation by Replacement competition, for which NASA’s 10 centers had submitted proposals to build a new facility. Nevertheless, Zornetzer thought that the project team wasn’t delivering innovation or new technology.

How did they switch gears and deliver a building that introduces space-age technology and reduces maintenance costs?

Read more about NASA’s Sustainability Base …

Selecting a Seismic Engineer

The phrase “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is applicable even when it comes to seismic retrofitting. Whether you’re looking to increase structural safety, minimize business interruption, or save on insurance costs, choosing the right structural engineer will help you come up with a cost-effective, tailored retrofit plan.

Read more on seismic engineers …

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